wallabag is compatible with PHP >= 7.4.
To install wallabag easily, we provide a
, so you need to have the make
wallabag uses a large number of PHP libraries. These libraries must be installed with a tool called Composer.
Check that the installed version is at least 1.8.0:
composer --version
If not, try to upgrade it using
composer selfupdate
If that command isn’t recognized, please re-install it.
PHP Extensions
You’ll also need the following extensions. Some of these may already be activated, so you may not have to install all corresponding packages.
- php-session
- php-ctype
- php-dom
- php-hash
- php-simplexml
- php-json
- php-gd
- php-mbstring
- php-xml
- php-tidy
- php-iconv
- php-curl
- php-gettext
- php-tokenizer
- php-bcmath
- php-intl
- php-fpm
wallabag uses PDO to connect to the database, so you’ll need one of the following:
- pdo_mysql
- pdo_pgsql
- pdo_sqlite
and its corresponding database server.