What is the meaning of the parameters?
Default parameters.yml file
Here is the last version of the default app/config/parameters.yml file. Be sure that yours respects this one. If you don't know which value you need to set, please leave the default one.
To apply changes to parameters.yml
, you have to clear your cache by deleting everything in var/cache
with this command: bin/console cache:clear --env=prod
database_driver: pdo_mysql
database_driver_class: ~
database_port: ~
database_name: wallabag
database_user: root
database_password: ~
database_path: ~
database_table_prefix: wallabag_
database_socket: ~
database_charset: utf8mb4
domain_name: https://your-wallabag-instance.wallabag.org
mailer_dsn: smtp://
locale: en
secret: ovmpmAWXRCabNlMgzlzFXDYmCFfzGv
twofactor_auth: true
twofactor_sender: no-reply@wallabag.org
fosuser_registration: true
fosuser_confirmation: true
fos_oauth_server_access_token_lifetime: 3600
fos_oauth_server_refresh_token_lifetime: 1209600
from_email: no-reply@wallabag.org
rss_limit: 50
rabbitmq_host: localhost
rabbitmq_port: 5672
rabbitmq_user: guest
rabbitmq_password: guest
redis_scheme: tcp
redis_host: localhost
redis_port: 6379
redis_path: ~
redis_password: ~
sentry_dsn: ~
server_name: "Your wallabag instance"
Meaning of each parameter
Database parameters
Name | Description | Default |
database_driver | Should be pdo_sqlite or pdo_mysql or pdo_pgsql | pdo_sqlite |
database_driver_class | Should be used only for PostgreSQL 10 with Wallabag\CoreBundle\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\CustomPostgreSQLDriver |
~ |
database_host | host of your database (usually localhost or | |
database_port | port of your database (you can leave ~ to use the default one) |
~ |
database_name | name of your database | symfony |
database_user | user that can write to this database | root |
database_password | password of that user | ~ |
database_path | only for SQLite, define where to put the database file. Put it to null for any other database | %kernel.root_dir%/ ../data/db/wallabag.sqlite |
database_table_prefix | all wallabag's tables will be prefixed with that string. You can include a _ for clarity BUT NEVER USE A - |
wallabag_ |
database_socket | If your database is using a socket instead of tcp, put the path of the socket (other connection parameters will then be ignored) | null |
database_charset | For PostgreSQL & SQLite you should use utf8, for MySQL use utf8mb4 to handle emoji and other special characters | utf8mb4 |
Mailer parameters
You can check about how to properly configure email in the dedicated section.
Name | Description | Default |
mailer_dsn | One liner with all the mailer parameters smtp://user:pass@host:465 . Any characters considered special need to be urlencoded in user , pass and host . |
smtp:// |
Parameters removed in 2.6.1
Name | Description | Default |
mailer_transport | The exact transport method to use to deliver emails. Valid values are: smtp , gmail , sendmail , null (which will disable the mailer) |
smtp |
mailer_user | The username when using smtp as the transport. |
~ |
mailer_password | The password when using smtp as the transport. |
~ |
mailer_host | The host to connect to when using smtp as the transport. | |
mailer_port (new in 2.4.0) | The port when using smtp as the transport. This defaults to 465 if encryption is ssl and 25 otherwise. |
false |
mailer_encryption (new in 2.4.0) | The encryption mode to use when using smtp as the transport. Valid values are tls , ssl , or null (indicating no encryption). |
~ |
mailer_auth_mode (new in 2.4.0) | The authentication mode to use when using smtp as the transport. Valid values are plain , login , cram-md5 , or null . |
~ |
Other wallabag options
Name | Description | Default |
locale | Default language of your wallabag instance (like en, fr, es, etc.) | en |
secret | This is a string that should be unique to your application and it's commonly used to add more entropy to security related operations. | ovmpmAWXRCabNlMgzlzFXDYmCFfzGv |
twofactor_auth | true to enable the possibility of Two factor authentication | true |
twofactor_sender | email of the email sender to receive the two factor code | no-reply@wallabag.org |
fosuser_registration | true to enable public registration | true |
fosuser_confirmation | true to send a confirmation by email for each registration | true |
fos_oauth_server_access_token_lifetime | how long the access token should life in seconds for the API | 3600 |
fos_oauth_server_refresh_token_lifetime | how long the refresh token should life in seconds for the API | 1209600 |
from_email | email address used in From: field in each email | no-reply@wallabag.org |
rss_limit | item limit for RSS feeds | 50 |
domain_name | Full URL of your wallabag instance (without the trailing slash) | https://your-wallabag-instance.wallabag.org |
sentry_dsn (new in 2.4.0) | DSN from Sentry which logs errors | null |
server_name (new in 2.4.1) | User-friendly name of your instance for the 2FA issuer | "Your wallabag instance" |
RabbitMQ options
Name | Description | Default |
rabbitmq_host | Host of your RabbitMQ | localhost |
rabbitmq_port | Port of your RabbitMQ instance | 5672 |
rabbitmq_user | User that can read queues | guest |
rabbitmq_password | Password of that user | guest |
Redis options
Name | Description | Default |
redis_scheme | Specifies the protocol used to communicate with an instance of Redis. Valid values are: tcp, unix, http | tcp |
redis_host | IP or hostname of the target server (ignored for unix scheme) | localhost |
redis_port | TCP/IP port of the target server (ignored for unix scheme) | 6379 |
redis_path | Path of the UNIX domain socket file used when connecting to Redis using UNIX domain sockets | null |
redis_password | Password defined in the Redis server configuration (parameter requirepass in redis.conf ) |
null |