Upgrade your wallabag installation

You will find here different ways to upgrade your wallabag:

But first, ensure you have composer installed on your server (or at least the composer.phar binary in the root directory of wallabag). If not, please install it.

Upgrading from 2.5.x to 2.6.x

Same steps as for upgrading from 2.2.x to 2.3.x.

⚠️ There are two points to focus for that update:

  1. We added new fields in the database, don't forget to run migration (by running make update) otherwise your wallabag won't work.
  2. We've updated the mailer config which needs to be replicated otherwise the image might not work.

    We removed in app/config/parameters.yml:

    • mailer_transport
    • mailer_user
    • mailer_password
    • mailer_host
    • mailer_port
    • mailer_encryption
    • mailer_auth_mode

    And we added mailer_dsn as a replacement. Here is an example of DSN: smtp://user:pass@smtp.example.com:port

You can find all the queries here.

Upgrading from 2.3.x to 2.4.x

Same steps as for upgrading from 2.2.x to 2.3.x.

For shared hosting

PHP version compatibility have changed, check the release notes for details.

Apply the general steps for upgrades on the shared hosting with the following modifications :

Use these data queries for the database upgrade to 2.4.

Four parameters were created and MUST be added to your app/config/parameters.yml file : mailer_port, mailer_encryption, mailer_auth_mode and sentry_dsn

Do not forget to run bin/console cache:clear --env=prod in the wallabag directory afterwards

Upgrading from 2.3.x to 2.3.y

make update

That's all.

If you got an error with Not a git repository, it means you didn't install wallabag using git but rather using an archive. Follow steps for the shared hosting then.

Upgrading from 2.2.x to 2.3.x

Upgrade on a dedicated web server

make update

Upgrade on a shared hosting

  1. Backup your app/config/parameters.yml file.
  2. Download the last release of wallabag:

     wget https://wllbg.org/latest-v2-package && tar xvf latest-v2-package

    You will find the md5 hash of the latest package on our website.

  3. Extract the archive in your wallabag folder and replace app/config/parameters.yml with yours.

  4. Please check that your app/config/parameters.yml contains all the parameters as they are all mandatory. You can find here a documentation about parameters.
  5. If you have modified the app/config/parameters.yml file, run bin/console cache:clear --env=prod afterwards in the wallabag directory. A warning will appear if a parameter was forgotten.
  6. If you use SQLite, you must also copy your data/ folder inside the new installation.
  7. Empty var/cache folder.
  8. You must run some SQL queries to upgrade your database. We assume that the table prefix is wallabag_. Don't forget to backup your database before migrating.
  9. You may encounter issues with indexes names: if so, please change queries with the correct index name.
  10. You can find all the queries here.

Upgrading from 2.x.y to 2.3.x

If your wallabag instance is < 2.2.0, there is no automatic script. You need to:

From wallabag 1.x

There is no automatic script to update from wallabag 1.x to wallabag 2.x. You need to:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""