

Tips for front-end developers

wallabag uses webpack to bundle its assets since version 2.3.

Dev mode

When running the server in development mode, execute yarn build:dev to generate JavaScript files for each theme. The generated files are named and git ignores them. You must run yarn build:dev again after making any changes to asset files (JavaScript, CSS, images, fonts, etc.).

Live reload

Webpack’s live reload feature eliminates the need to manually regenerate asset files or refresh the page after making changes. The changes appear automatically in the web page. To enable this feature:

  1. Set use_webpack_dev_server to true in app/config/config.yml
  2. Run yarn watch

Important: Set use_webpack_dev_server back to false when you finish using the live reload feature.

Production builds

Before committing changes, build the assets for production by running yarn build:prod. This command builds all necessary assets for wallabag. To verify the build works correctly, start a server in production mode using bin/console server:run --env=prod.

Remember: Always generate production builds before committing changes!

Code style

Two tools check code style:

  • stylelint for (S)CSS
  • eslint for JavaScript (using the Airbnb base preset configuration)